September 4, 2015
Legality of Undercover Videos
Hear ELISSA GROVES from the Litigation counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom speak about the legality of the Center for Medical Progress’ undercover videos of Planned Parenthood and other organizations. GROVES INTERVIEW EDITED 08152015.mp3
Reaction to First Video
REV. DR. JAMES LAMB, the Executive Director of Lutherans for Life reacts to the first video from Center for Medical Progress showing a PP official discussing the sale of baby parts over a lunch of Caesar Salad and red wine. INTERVIEW REVISED.mp3
LCMS Life Committee Responds to First Video
LCMS LIFE COMMITTEE members speak following release of the Center for Medical Progress’ first video. (Carol Tobias, president of the National Right to Life Committee; Rev. Dr. Jim Lamb, the executive director of Lutherans for Life; Pastor Christopher Esget of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Alexandria, VA.) LIFE COMMITTEE.mp3
Reaction to CMP’s Video
CAROL TOBIAS, president of National Right to Life Committee, reacts to the CMP’s videos. INTERVIEW EDITED.mp3
September 1, 2015
“It is Time to End Abortion”
Watch Life Ministry’s video “It is Time to End Abortion”.
Listen to Faith’n’Family’s “Why I Chose Life” Part 1 and Part 2. Many outside influences can pressure a person to abort their child. Hear the stories of people who chose Life instead and how it has changed their lives!
For more articles and information:
Synod officials say recent videos ‘lay evil bare’ – National Mission leaders issue call to action on abortion, calling now the ‘time to end abortion in the United States altogether.’ CLICK HERE.
Harrison on Planned Parenthood controversy: ‘God is not silent’ — The Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, responds to the Planned Parenthood controversy: “God is not silent. He has a word for us, too. He comforts us in the knowledge that the devil’s attempts are desperate and futile, for Jesus came to save people, regardless of their size.” CLICK HERE.
LCMS Life Ministry — Advocating for the unborn, weak and vulnerable. CLICK HERE.
July 16, 2015
The LCMS Life Committee held a special press conference on July 16, 2015 at the International Center of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod pertaining to the recent controversy over the release of a video featuring an executive of Planned Parenthood discussing fetal organ research and the transporting of body parts from aborted babies.
[twocol_one]Click to listen to Rev. Dr. James Lamb, Executive Director of Lutherans For Life, along with Carol Tobias from National Right to Life, and Rev. Christopher Esget from Immanuel Lutheran Church in Alexandeia, Virginia. Follow KFUO at with more on this discussion.[/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last]
Press Conference Audio
[twocol_one]You can also read the official statement of the LCMS given by Rev. Bart Day, executive director of Life and Health Ministries and LCMS Office of National Mission, as well as listen to a special interview with Rev. Dr. James Lamb here: [/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last]
Dr. Lamb Interview