Dr. Meador starts at the beginning (literally!) to teach us about the Scripture’s vision for generosity within our divinely given vocations.
Rev. Dr. Nathan Meador is executive assistant to the president in the South Wisconsin District and a Stewardship Specialist for the Office of National Mission.
Theme music: Hark the Voice of Jesus Calling, used by permission, TheHymnalProject.com.
God’s Mission Here spotlights the work that God is doing through His people… and this work is closer to home than you might expect! Listen as we chat with some very down-to-earth people who aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty in God’s mission field. Get inspired. Be encouraged. Get involved! Learn more about LCMS National Mission lcms.org/nationalmission
Not all the views expressed are necessarily those of the LCMS; please discuss any questions with your pastor.
Where is God’s mission? God’s mission is everywhere. Yes, it’s far away. But it’s also very near. As near as your congregation and school, your neighborhood, your family and friends, even as near as your home. Wherever you are, God’s mission is in that place. Through His mission, Christ is bringing forgiveness, life, and salvation to people everywhere. Even here. Right where you are. God’s Mission Here. Learn more at lcms.org/nationalmission.