Why should we consider the relationship of technology to the soul? Dr. David Maxwell (Professor of Systematic Theology and Chairman of the Department of Systematic Theology at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis), Dr. Kevin Golden (Director of Resident Field Education, Associate Professor of Exegetical Theology, and Dean of Theological Research and Publication at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis), and Erika Petsch (Director of Continuing Education at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis) join Andy and Sarah to talk about the 2024 Theological Symposium “Technology and the Church: Promise and Peril” happening September 17-18 at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis. They discuss why artificial intelligence and other technologies are important to them as individuals and seminary professors, what questions have arisen among students about emerging technology, and what attendees will learn and experience at this year’s Theological Symposium. Learn more and register for Symposium at csl.edu/event/34th-annual-theological-symposium.
The Coffee Hour is underwritten by Concordia University Wisconsin. Live Uncommon. Learn more at cuw.edu.
Have a topic you’d like to hear about on The Coffee Hour? Contact Andy Bates at andrew.bates@kfuo.org or call 314-996-1519.