The Ladies welcome “leading lady” Eden Keefe to the Lounge, as they continue to celebrate and learn from Lutheran women in notable positions of influence in the church and around the world.
Eden Keefe serves as president of Lutheran Women in Mission (LWML). Previously, she was mission editor for Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly and vice-president of Gospel Outreach for LWML.
Learn more about LWML at their website, or register here for this summer’s LWML Convention in Omaha, Nebraska.
Connect with the Lutheran Ladies on social media in The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge Facebook discussion group ( and on Instagram @lutheranladieslounge. Follow Sarah (@hymnnerd), Rachel (@rachbomberger), and Erin (@erinaltered) on Instagram!
Sign up for the Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge monthly e-newsletter here, and email the Ladies at
The Lutheran Ladies Lounge is the podcast produced by KFUO Radio and hosted by Sarah Gulseth, Erin Alter, and Rachel Bomberger. Created for Lutheran ladies to have a place to escape to with inviting conversations, laughter, and fellowship with Lutheran sisters, we invite all of you Lutheran ladies to join Sarah, Erin, and Rachel on the sofa in the Lutheran Ladies Lounge to sit, rest your feet, and stay a while. If you’re a Lutheran lady, join us in our Facebook group: