How can camp ministry form future church workers? David Vandercar (Executive Director of Lakeview Ministries in Seymour, Indiana) and Danny Frastaci (Operations Director of Lakeview Ministries in Seymour, Indiana) join Andy and Sarah for our Set Apart to Serve series to talk about Lakeview Ministries, how life at camp shapes attitudes concerning a life of Christian service, how many church workers could potentially attribute experience at Lakeview to their consideration of full-time church work, what Lakeview does to intentionally to form church workers, and what’s on deck for this summer. Find Lakeview Ministries at and the National Lutheran Outdoors Ministry Association (NLOMA) at
Christ’s church will continue until He returns, and that church will continue to need church workers.
Set Apart to Serve (SAS) is an initiative of the LCMS to recruit church workers. Together, we pray for workers for the Kingdom of God and encourage children to consider church work vocations.
Here are three easy ways you can participate in SAS:
1. Pray with your children for God to provide church workers.
2. Talk to your children about becoming church workers.
3. Thank God for the people who work in your congregation.
To learn more about Set Apart to Serve, visit
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