What prompted early Lutheran immigrants to move to Australia? The Rev. Thomas Pietsch, Assistant Professor of Theology at Concordia University Wisconsin, joins Andy and Sarah for the second episode in our series on Australian Lutheranism to talk about why German Lutherans immigrated to Australia in 1838, how these early immigrants settled into the land, where early Lutheran churches were established, and the mission work that began among Indigenous people.
Resources in this episode:
- The history of the Lutheran Church in Australia: lca.org.au/our-history
- Lutheran Mission – Australia: lutheranmissionaustralia.org.au and facebook.com/LutheranMissionAustralia
- Story of Blind Moses: iadpress.com.au/products/blind-moses
- Finke River Mission: finkerivermission.lca.org.au
- All episodes in the Lutheran Mission – Australia series: kfuo.org/tag/lutheran-mission-australia
As you grab your morning coffee (and pastry, let’s be honest), join hosts Andy Bates and Sarah Gulseth as they bring you stories of the intersection of Lutheran life and a secular world. Catch real-life stories of mercy work of the LCMS and partners, updates from missionaries across the ocean, and practical talk about how to live boldly Lutheran. Have a topic you’d like to hear about on The Coffee Hour? Contact us at: listener@kfuo.org.
The Coffee Hour is underwritten by Concordia University Wisconsin. Live Uncommon. Learn more at cuw.edu.