There’s a star in the East, and Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar — together with their newfound friend and hanger-on Trish (who has just completed her “spiritual road trip certification”) — are on an epic journey to worship the Christ child in the manger.
Will they opt for meaningful and traditional gifts (gold, frankincense, myrrh), or impulse buy the adorable onesie instead? Will they fall for Herod’s duplicity, or decide that he definitely doesn’t “pass the vibe check”? And will Trish lead the whole party astray at the first Chick-fil-A sign she sees?
Former co-host Bri Gerzevske (along with her hilarious alter ego, Trish) is back for an all-new Epiphany Radio Theatre sketch: “The Four Magi Road Trippin’.”
Disclaimer: This episode is satire, Trish is a fictional character, and we already know our script probably wouldn’t pass LCMS Doctrinal Review on the first try. Enjoy.
Click to browse previous episodes of Bri’s Radio Theatre.
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The Lutheran Ladies Lounge is the podcast produced by KFUO Radio and hosted by Sarah Gulseth, Erin Alter, and Rachel Bomberger. Created for Lutheran ladies to have a place to escape to with inviting conversations, laughter, and fellowship with Lutheran sisters, we invite all of you Lutheran ladies to join Sarah, Erin, and Rachel on the sofa in the Lutheran Ladies Lounge to sit, rest your feet, and stay a while. If you’re a Lutheran lady, join us in our Facebook group: