By what authority do our pastors do their work? By what authority does the government do its work? The Church has full authority from the Lord to give a clear conscience to burdened sinners simply through preaching the Gospel and administering the sacraments. This authority does not mean that there is no need for good order or that Christians should neglect involvement in government affairs, but we do need constant exhortation for the Church to be faithful stewards of His mysteries. The Church’s one foundation, Is Jesus Christ, her Lord; She is His new creation, By water and the Word. From heav’n He came and sought her, To be His holy bride; With His own blood He bought her, And for her life He died. LSB 644, st. 1
Rev. Brian Kachelmeier, pastor at Crown of Life Lutheran Church in San Antonio, TX, joins Rev. Brady Finnern to conclude our study of the Apology of the Augsburg Confession.
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Study the Lutheran Confession of Faith found in the Book of Concord with lively discussions led by host Rev. Brady Finnern, President of the LCMS Minnesota North District, and guest LCMS pastors. Join us as these Christ-confessing Concordians read through and discuss our Lutheran doctrine in the Book of Concord in order to gain a deeper understanding of our Lutheran faith and practical application for our vocations. Submit comments or questions to: