Is it possible to make idols out of good things in life? Rev. Dr. Reed Lessing, author of Overcoming Life’s Sorrows: Learning from Jeremiah, joins Andy and Sarah for Part 3 of our series on Overcoming Life’s Sorrows to talk about how we define idols, how we take good gifts and twist them into idols, how we get rid of these idols, and how our ever-present God addresses our loneliness and discouragement.
Rev. Dr. Reed Lessing is Professor of Theology & Ministry, Director of the Pre-Seminary Program, and Director of The Center for Biblical Studies at Concordia University St. Paul, and author of Overcoming Life’s Sorrows: Learning from Jeremiah available from Concordia Publishing House. Find all episodes in this series at
The Coffee Hour is underwritten by Concordia University Wisconsin. Live Uncommon. Learn more at
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