How does the Church care for refugees? How are all believers like strangers in a strange land? How can Christians support the sojourners among us, particularly the incoming refugees from Ukraine? Pastor Chris Asbury and his wife Kelly join Steph to discuss real and practical love for these new neighbors among us.
Learn more about the LCMS Ukraine Refugee Grant Program at and Lutheran Bible Translators at
Bio: Pastor Chris Asbury has served Grace, Norfolk since 2008 when he graduated from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. He loves Jesus, his family, and church. He enjoys playing trumpet, guitar, golf, and gets pretty competitive at board games. Pastor and his wife, Kelly, are blessed with five children: Becca, Noah, Megan, Ashley, and Hannah. A 2002 graduate of the University of Colorado, Boulder, and a diehard buff, pastor now respects all things red in our cornhusker state. He grew up in central California and gets to visit his family in Denver. If you don’t find him at church, he may be visiting members, playing with his kids, drinking coffee with friends, golfing, or hiking up a mountain.
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Not all the views expressed are necessarily those of the LCMS; please discuss any questions with your pastor.
We believe that God is the author and sustainer of all life. We also know it can be hard to speak about the intrinsic value of that life when it feels like the world is trying to drown us out.
We’re right here beside you. In this podcast of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Life Ministry, we’re coming alongside one another as a community of Christ’s redeemed people, ones who are speaking up for and living out the sanctity of human life. Together we’ll explore life issues in a way that honors our heavenly Father’s value of human life, serves our neighbor, and connects us to others who are doing the same. Join us, so that together we can be friends for life.