Stories teach us about many things. Our stories teach us about who we are. They also reveal who others are, both the stories they tell and the ones we tell about them. If we are open to hearing another person’s story, we may find we identify with each other in ways we hadn’t imagined. To understand the story of refugees we need to enter into it through empathy by extending a heart, ear and hand. All these things requires us to be present, engaging with the stories and experiences of others making them our own.
Bio: Dawit Bokre serves as a Senior pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Hayward, CA. Born and raised in Eritrea, he moved to the U.S. at 13. In 2008, Dawit planted an Eritrean Lutheran Church in Hayward, CA. After completing his theological education, Dawit also helps revitalize a 60 year old English-speaking congregation. Today, he serves in a multi-ethnic church that worships both in English and Tigrinya (his native language). Dawit and his wife, Saron, enjoy meeting new people, having good coffee, and cooking.
Youth and adult sessions recorded at the 2022 LCMS Youth Gathering in Houston, Texas. For more information about the Gathering, visit