To confess I believe in Christ is the central tenant of the Christian faith. We confess our faith in Christ to the Lord, to one another, to the world, against the devil, and to unbelievers. The fullness of the Triune God was pleased to dwell for the sake of reconciling us back to the Father. This reconciliation through Christ gives us a firm identity as one bought, won for, died for, and given the victory. Why? That I may be His own. Unconditional and perfect love unfounded in this world. Thanks be to God.
Rev. Terry Forke, Montana District President of the LCMS joins Rev. Brady Finnern to study the 2nd article of the creed in Luther’s Small Catechism.
Find your copy of the Book of Concord – Concordia Reader’s Edition at or read online at
Study the Lutheran Confession of Faith found in the Book of Concord with lively discussions led by host Rev. Brady Finnern, President of the LCMS Minnesota North District, and guest LCMS pastors. Join us as these Christ-confessing Concordians read through and discuss our Lutheran doctrine in the Book of Concord in order to gain a deeper understanding of our Lutheran faith and practical application for our vocations.
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