Today’s sermonette based on Romans 1:1-17 is given by Rev. Duncan McLellan. This is a rebroadcast from January 7, 2016.

Rev. Michael Salemink
Lutherans For Life equips Lutherans to be Gospel-motivated voices for life. As a Recognized Service Organization of the LC-MS, we believe that only the Word of God’s truth and the Gospel of Jesus Christ’s love changes hearts. Our Lord’s grace in creating, redeeming, and calling – rather than a person’s age, appearance, or ability – gives every human being infinite sanctity. Respecting and protecting our neighbors as precious treasures is at the heart rather than at the margins of the Christian mission and message. We bring you Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer on Worldwide KFUO so that together we may remain enveloped and inspired by the courage and compassion of Christ’s Word and Church. Rev. Michael Salemink is Executive Director of Lutherans for Life.