The role of a pastor in a congregation is of utmost importance: forgiving sins in the stead and by the command of our Lord Jesus Christ. Where do we find this function of a pastor in our confessions, and how do our confessions give us certainty in this forgiveness? And, what about the priesthood of all believers? Why does concord matter for the function of the pastoral office, that authorized forgiveness of sins?
Rev. Dr. David Maxwell, Professor of Systematic Theology at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri, joins host Rev. Sean Smith to discuss the function of the pastoral office.
Find the article by Dr. Maxwell referenced in this episode at
Pull out your Book of Concord and join a lively discussion of the Lutheran Confessions. Each week, host Rev. Sean Smith and a roundtable groups of guests take an in-depth look at passages from parts of the Book of Concord so you can have a deeper understanding of your Lutheran faith.
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