We Didn’t Ask For This: What We’ve Gained from Loss
Losing someone you love can be incredibly difficult. It can also be a confusing and frustrating experience for those who grieve and the people around them. Dan and Jackie share their story about their son’s death, the impact on his friends and God’s comfort and faithfulness.

Bio: Dan and Jackie are Minnesota farm kids who met at college and later married. They are proud parents of Dustin and Kjersten. After an auto/pedestrian accident in 2010, Dustin (18) now resides with Jesus. Kjersten has since graduated from college and married Arlen. Since Dustin’s departure, Dan & Jackie have said “see you later” to her parents and brother. They will speak about their grief journey and how God helps us gain, even in loss.
Youth and adult sessions recorded at the 2019 LCMS Youth Gathering in Minneapolis, Minnesota. For more information about the Gathering, visit www.lcmsgathering.com.