Dr. Maurice Boyer, music director of the American Kantorei, joins Andy and Sarah to talk about the upcoming American Kantorei concert featuring J.S. Bach Cantatas 47, 95, and 17, including why the music of J.S. Bach is so incredible, where the concert title “Christ Who Is My Life” comes from, and what attendees will hear and experience at this concert. Hear the Kantorei on Sunday, March 17, 2019, at 3:00 p.m. at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Des Peres, MO. The concert is free and open to the public. (Parking is avaialbe on the first level of the Edward Jones parking garage at Manchester and Ballas, or in the North Lot next to the city park. A shuttle will run from 2:00pm-6:00pm.) Find details and learn more about the Kantorei at americankantorei.org/concerts and facebook.com/AmericanKantorei.
Have a topic you’d like to hear about on The Coffee Hour? Contact Andy Bates at andrew.bates@kfuo.org or call 314-996-1519.