Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: (1) Insight on young people and any god will do. (2) Reason has a place in destroying the worldview of the unbeliever. (3) William Carr on Isaiah’s mockery of wooden idols. (4) Caller: Mother Nature.

The Bible Study – Luke 4:1-13

The Temptation of Jesus.

His Time Morning Show

Topics of Discussion: (1) Deb Schmich and Sue Nahmensen talk about LESA – Lutheran Elementary Schools Association, (2) Rev. Jesse Krusemark discusses his article “Of Noble Birth” from the recent Lutheran Witness, (the biblical text for today is 2 Timothy 2:1-26 ” A Good Soldier of Christ Jesus”, and (4) Rev. Jeremy Klaustermeier gives today’s Matins Sermonette.

WLN Digest Minute

World Lutheran News for January 29, 2013.

Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: (1) Ruminations with Mark Smith. (2) Priest call police after handcuffing himself. (3) Other problems with pastors.

The Bible Study – Luke 3:21-38

The Genealogy of Jesus.

His Time Morning Show

Topics of Discussion: (1) Tim Hetzner, President of the Lutheran Church Charities, talks about the Comfort Dogs at Sandy Hook Elementary, (2) Dr. Bruce Carvel, Director of the Collegium Vocale of St. Louis, talks about music, and (3) Rev. John Wurst takes a look at the biblical text 2 Timothy 1:1-18 “Guard the Deposit Entrusted to You”.

WLN Digest Minute

World Lutheran News for January 28, 2013.

Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: (1) 4th Sunday after Epiphany: Jeremiah 1:6. (2) How prophets doubted God. (3) Caller: 2 Corinthians 5:10; Pastor and pregnant daughter; Both adulterers are to be put to death.

The Bible Study – Luke 3:1-20

John the Baptist Prepares the Way.