WLN Digest Minute

World Lutheran News for January 03, 2013.

Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: (1) Ruminations with Rev Wes Reimnitz. (2) His most important sermon. (3) Callers: Gift of the Holy Spirit John 7:37-39; Witness of Christ only through the Holy Spirit?

The Bible Study – Joshua 12 & 13

Land Still to be Conquered.

His Time Morning Show

Topics of Discussion: (1) Maggie Karner talks about the upcoming Life Conference in Washington DC, (2) Jane Wilke Talks about Lutheran Senior Services, (3) and Edie Norris talks about the recent milestone of LWML.

WLN Digest Minute

World Lutheran News for January 2, 2013.

Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: (1) 2nd Sunday after Christmas: Luke 2. (2) Was Jesus disobedient to His parents? (3) Caller: Only place to find Christ sacramentally is in His Church. (4) Why are so many people not going to church today?

The Bible Study – Joshua 11

The Conquests in Northern Canaan.

His Time Morning Show

Topics of Discussion: (1) Dr. David Scaer talks about the upcoming Symposia Series at the Concordia Theological Sem. in Fort Wayne, and (2) John Hall from Trinity/HOPE talks about the struggle involved in feeding and sharing the Gospel to 89 schools.